Saturday, November 2, 2013

Continum Shift

I was going to continue writing those exerts from me growing up but then I realized it made me abysmally depressed. For those of you who don't know my mom passed away recently and it was something that really knocked me for a loop. I spiraled into depression.  I didn't know what to do with my life. I just sat around and stayed in the bed for an extended period of time. Maybe I'll get into that later into a different blog but I'm not feeling so mopey right now so that will have to wait.

I actually have no idea what to do with this blog other than just write random shit about random things and try to let people into my life. I'm somewhat of a private person. I'm definitely not the type of person who's just gonna walk up to some random guy on the street and start talking about my life. That's how you get serial killed and that's not something I'm looking for in my life just yet.

The next major thing that's happening in my life is I'll be moving to LA to stay with my dad and hopefully get enrolled in college so I can have the college experience I never had. Vegas is full of a lot of bad memories (mostly relating to my dad mom) and its a city that I feel has run its course. This just isn't a city for me. I'm not looking to go out and party at night and get white girl wasted and fight a guy or two. I just want to find some events, do somethings, meet new people and have fun. A good number of people in Vegas seem to be pre-occupied with partying.

I like playing video games; mostly fighting games.  I've been playing them all my life. You'd think "Video games are popular right? You should totally be able to find a place to do that in Vegas?" Well you're wrong. We have zero arcades that are not located inside a casino or ones that would let us bring our own equipment and leech off of the power.  People here don't really want to leave their house and do things. I'm guilty of this too at times but my reasoning is "I'm not going to drive an hour across town to play some games for 30-40 minutes because I have to get back across town to go to work or sleep in time to be able to go to work." We used to have a centralized place in Vegas where everyone would play. They closed though.. claiming the rent was "too high" Sure. Whatever.

I enjoy "japanese culture" I know how 'weeaboo' that sounds but hear me out. I grew up watching martial arts movies with my dad on sundays with Kung Fu theatre. Yeah you know, those terribly dubbed martial art movies. Then we bridged over to anime and from there I was able to get into manga and find out more about japan. There its okay to be a "nerd" they have a culture that embraces it. You see salarymen on the train with a DS playing pokemon and no one is calling them a pedophile. It's not uncommon to see a bunch of salary workers at an arcade playing games after work. Everyone reads manga and watches anime there. It's not something thats "for kids" just like people in America crowd around a T.V. and watch Walking Dead the same happens there but with One Piece. So many hobbies and activities in America have connotation of being "for kids" and people that are into those hobbies need to "grow up" and its fucking infuriating.

Sorry I went off on a little tangent there. Digression: I'm really looking forward to this LA trip just so I can have a change of scenery and be somewhere else and possibly re-invent myself. Plus the ocean!

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